Field Force Tracker is leading the way in advanced and flexible field service management
software. Built using the latest innovative internet Cloud base SaaS technology, our browser based solution delivers unprecedented levels of control and visibility to field service businesses.
The Field Force Tracker Field Service management system is a complete back office service and mobile management solution providing real-time information and resources to field based engineers, delivered directly to their mobile or touchscreen device. Service engineers are able to access and relay information directly to the back office management system. This ensures that mobile data and customer information is unified throughout the company.
The Field Force Tracker Assisted Scheduling solution provides the ability to manage reactive and planned maintenance visits whilst constantly monitoring engineers’ diaries and viewing optimum time slots and spare engineer availability.
Field Force Tracker was established in 2006, and today we are a leading force in the provision of integrated business solutions for field service providers. Our philosophy is to supply companies with state-of-the-art, flexible business solutions, and to enable our customers to achieve leading-edge business operability.
With over 10 years’ of experience, Field Force Tracker serves an increasingly diverse customer base, which includes small, medium and large size companies. With hundreds of successful implementations and tens of thousands of users around the world, Field Force Tracker has a proven track record of working with some of the world’s most well known companies.
In a constantly changing business environment Field Force Tracker is a provider you can trust, and with continual product investment, a company which will be around in the future. Field Force Tracker provides clear, practical advice and solutions for businesses looking to deploy field service software.
Implementing the correct solution with the right technology is key to improving customer service whilst ensuring efficiency and profitability. Field Force Tracker has over 10 years experience of implementing and supporting customers from our offices in US and India.
Whatever your business, whatever your size and wherever you are in the world, Field Force Tracker Field Service is the Field Service solution for you.
The fully integrated, complete business solution For the Field Service

Field Force Tracker Field Service provides an end-to-end solution that enables companies to achieve increased efficiency and customer service, maximize profits and build competitive advantage.
The core elements of the Field Force Tracker Field Service system include a comprehensive Contact Management system, Quotations, Warranty Service, Assisted Engineer Scheduling, Remote Engineer applications, Workflow, Call Centre Case Management and Planned Maintenance. Additional integrated modules include Document Management, CRM, Stock Control, Purchasing, Finance and Engineer Tracking.
Functionality at a glance
- Comprehensive Contact
- Management
- Asset/Warranty Management
- Planned Maintenance
- Call Logging & Escalation
- Engineer Scheduling
- Engineer Skills Matrix
- Remote Engineers
- Stock Management/Purchasing
- Job Costing
- Invoice Generation
- Document Management
- Task Management/Reminders
- Mapping Web Services
- Postcode Lookup Web Services
- Audit Trail
- Multi-Language
- Web Portal
- Text Messaging
- Integrated Workflow
- Fully integrated to the Nobile Apps on iPhone and Android
- business suite
- Integrated with MS Outlook
Empowering our customers
Field Force Tracker Field Service uses the latest innovative internet technology to provide accurate, reaI-time information to field based engineers and sophisticated management applications for back office operators and management. At the core of the Field Force Tracker Field Service solution are the Management Reporting, Document Management, Workflow and Customisation Toolkit
modules. This underlying technology provides the basis for increased operational efficiency and productivity, leading to improved customer service.
Customization and Reconfiguration
The Customization options functionality enables Field Force Tracker Field Service to combine the power and stability of a standard off-the-shelf package with the important added benefit of a system that can be tailored to meet the precise needs of your company.
The Customization options specific staff to add or enhance functionality, thereby delivering additional flexibility to Field Force Tracker users.
Customizations exist on an additional layer which extends the core functionality of Field Force Tracker without the need to alter the standard software. Customizations can range from the introduction of simple validation on fields to new panels and scrolling data sets for data entry and data display. The Field Force Tracker Customization Toolkit provides the ability to extend any table by adding any number of columns for storing additional information. These are called Custom Columns and can be managed from within the software without the need to make any manual database changes.
The Customization options and Custom Columns functionality provides further extensibility to Field Force Tracker Field Service applications, ensuring that as your business requirements change you do not outgrow your system.
“As your processes develop or your customer requirements grow, Field Force Tracker Field Service can be adapted to meet these changes by empowering you to enhance the system without needing to involve the software author.”

Management Reporting
A key requirement for any business is that the Management Reporting functionality provides accurate, consolidated business information via an easy to use, real-time reporting system. Users will be empowered by being provided with the information they require for their job function, and management will be better informed to make strategic decisions. Field Force Tracker Field Service provides many standard reports and interactive query screens for viewing information.
The ability to create, view and share powerful reports and Key Performance Indicators quickly and easily without the need for detailed technical expertise means that you gain an insight into all areas of your operations.
Document Management
The retention, storage and accessibility of documents within a business are critical to its efficiency. The Field Force Tracker Document Management system provides quick, secure and auditable access to information. By allowing documents to be centrally stored and
accessed in the office and on the road, the speed at which your organisation can respond will be greatly enhanced. Different document types such as contracts, agreements, quality standards, drawings, letters, emails and images may be held.
Support is available for a wide range of formats such as Word, Excel, PDF, video, sound, image and CAD formats – in fact all formats supported within a browser environment.
Service CRM/Quotations and Estimates
Visibility of all communication between you and your customers is essential in a busy service department. The Field Force Tracker Field Service Customer Relationship module provides users with a complete view of a customer account including addresses, contacts, financial history, site history, as well as all communications and activities.
Service CRM is all about interactions, not just sales. It is more than a technology, it is a business concept, with the clear objective of finding new customers and increasing sales to your existing customer base. The Field Force Tracker Service CRM module facilitates and tracks all communications with external organisations, enables your business to automate the handling of inbound and outbound correspondence, and ultimately builds strong, lasting relationships.
The Field Force Tracker CRM Console is one central place for accessing customer and prospect information which is displayed in tabs for ease of access. Contact and Address information, Supported Products, Service Contracts, Call Centre Cases, Marketing Activity and Sales Opportunities are all visible, as well as Quotations, Sales Orders, Deliveries, Financial Reports, Notes,
Communications and Documents.
Broadcasting functionality offers the ability to target your marketing to specific customers and prospects via email within one integrated solution.
Rapid response to enquiries and the generation of accurate quotations is essential to providing a high leveI of customer service and improving the likelihood of winning future contracts.
Field Force Tracker Field Service has a powerful and flexible inbuilt Quotations module which enables rapid quotation generation as well as enabling the management of detailed tender documentation.
Configuration of quotations may be complex, especially where the servicing of technical or ‘one-off’ products are being requested. However, Field Force Tracker simplifies this process by allowing quotations to be produced for standard products against established pricelists, or even copied from a template.
A full progressing and monitoring facility for outstanding quotations is provided, which includes ‘Probability-of-success’ scores for management reporting, success evaluation and conversion rates; by customer, sales person or product. Upon quotation acceptance the automatic quotation transfer functionality creates firm sales orders and cases on the system.
Remote Worker/Mobile Data
Field Force Tracker Field Service allows service engineers real-time access to cases, visit information, schedules and documents via the Field Force Tracker Mobile solution. Case updates are relayed in real-time to the back office management system, ensuring that company wide mobile data and office-based information is unified throughout the company.
This modern real-time solution works on or off-line on a variety of hardware devices, including smart phones and tablets. Case information appears on an active jobs list once it is assigned to an engineer. The engineer can then book activities via a series of events, which update the case in real-time. Engineers can audit and update key customer information whilst on site, as well as take photos, attach documentation and record customer signatures.
The capability for engineers to manage their own stock inventories is a key requirement within some organisations. The Field Force Tracker Field Service mobile solution allows engineers to do this, along with placing purchase order requests, receiving goods directly to their locations and the ability to move stock to another engineer.
A key process for any business is to ensure that onsite engineers can capture and record specific information required by either your back office staff or your customer. These site specific readings are relayed immediately to the back office and can trigger a series of remedial actions if required.
Call/Case Management
The Call Centre functionality is core to a business that needs to monitor and control after-sales service to their customers. Through the Call Centre module a unique case number is raised and monitored through its life cycle. Cases may be categorised and assigned a priority or service level. All correspondence and activities related to the case can be tracked, photos and records of problems can be stored, and correspondence relating to technical issues maintained. Once recorded, a case can be assigned to an engineer or team via the Assisted Scheduling module, and sent to them using the Field Force Tracker Mobile module.
Tasks can be added to cases, thereby instructing engineers to carry out specific duties or take certain readings. Outcomes may also be configured to assist case closure and analysis.
Integration with the Workflow functionality means that follow-up activities can be automatically triggered, such as sending emails, tasks or alerts as appropriate. These may be conditional, based on the type of the call/case or the service level required.

Maintenance Contract/Asset Management
Any number of supported products (assets) across any number of sites may be supported under the service contract function. The contract price may be defined by contract period or optionally derived from the charge per supported product. Individual Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) may be defined by supported product and allow differing response levels by asset. Regular maintenance invoices are generated and posted through to the Invoicing module.
Accurate asset management of supported products (including ‘Parent/child’ structures) will allow you to operate more pro-actively and analyse precisely your profitable and unprofitable assets/customers, which is vital for strategic planning and effective operational control of your business.
Planned Maintenance
The Field Force Tracker Planned Maintenance (PM) module provides companies with the facility to plan, schedule and manage all planned maintenance requirements for the entire duration of the contract. Invoices may be raised ‘upfront’ or as visits are completed, or a combination of both.
The Engineer Scheduling Board shows engineer loading for both PM and reactive visits. The fully integrated nature of the solution ensures that companies know exactly which assets their customers have on site, providing the ability to track changes to assets and manage maintenance contract pricing year-on-year.
Smart Engineer Scheduling
The Field Force Tracker Scheduling Board uses assisted scheduling to aid the operator to select the right engineer the first time, every time. Efficient and cost effective scheduling ensures customer satisfaction levels are kept at a maximum, whilst ensuring profitability and growth. Users can schedule and manage calls, constantly monitor engineers’ diaries (updated by the mobile solution to reflect real-time changes) and have the ability to view optimum time slots and spare availability.
Scheduling should be an easy task for any member of a service team, but often, specialist knowledge about engineer availability and skill levels is held by individuals within the team. The Field Force Tracker Field Service Scheduling Board helps to unlock that knowledge in order that it is shared amongst all users, thereby allowing operatives to make the right decision every time with the aid of guidance and automatic assistance.
Designed with usability and simplicity in mind, panels can be activated/de-activated dependent on the role of the user, or spread over dual monitors. The inbuilt and fully configurable rule engine selects which engineers to recommend based on criteria such as minimum distance, least cost or within SLA.
All recommendations take actual road mileage into account. The system also offers a selection of booking slots/periods within the day if your customers would prefer an appointment option. Built-in mapping and routing helps visualise where the jobs are, by displaying other bookings on the chosen day for your selected engineers.
Automatic Schdeuling For Large Installations Based ON Scheduling Rules
At the heart of the scheduling system is a rule engine, which is completely configurable to your business requirements. The output from the rule engine creates a score against every engineer for every day that is being recommended and presents the best slots for the user to select, in a very easy to understand way.
The rule engine can be altered to suit the needs of your operation, and different versions of the rule engine can be deployed at different times of the year, dependent on business demands. Some of the rules used include engineer skills, actual road distances, capacity of engineer day, length of travel between cases, long travel home distances, response time and customer preferred engineer.
The business benefits of efficient engineer scheduling
- Engineers spend less time traveling
- and more time on-site working
- Optimization of jobs booked each

- day to ensure best business
- practice
- More efficient operators making
- the best scheduling decisions
- Rule engine that is tailored to
- your business requirements
- At a glance access of engineer
- availability for operators and
- management
- Getting the right person to
- the job to ensure a high
- first time fix rate for your
- customers
Parts and Asset Inventory Management
The Purchasing and Stock functionality within Field Force Tracker Field Service allows users to view and monitor stock levels in warehouses and vans. Re-order quantities can be defined by vehicle and part number. When stock levels fall below defined minimum levels, a request for stock replenishment is automatically sent to the appropriate department.
Additional parts not normally stocked may also be requested against a Call Centre case at any time, either by back office staff or the engineer in the field.
Stock deliveries can be routed to the engineer’s address, drop box, to the customer or an ad-hoc address. Stock replenishment items sent through to engineers are visible as transit stock until they are received by the engineer. Whilst Field Force Tracker Field Service is able to provide comprehensive Supplier Relationship Management capabilities, it also enables the engineer to be flexible by providing local purchasing functionality.
By allowing your engineers to purchase locally as and when an item is needed, you can reduce overall stock levels, capital expenditure and potential stock obsolescence.
Designed for ease of use and powerful management reporting, the Field Force Tracker Field Service Invoicing and Financial module is an inherently flexible system for managing the invoicing requirements of any service orientated organization.
The range of requirements catered for by Field Force Tracker Field Service include a comprehensive invoice generation routine, triggered off the back of a service call. The ability to apply different hourly rates, part based charging or task based charging is also catered for. Additionally, regular automated maintenance contract invoicing features are also included along with a comprehensive fully integrated Nominal, Sales and Purchase Ledger system.
Payments can be received by cheque, cash, bank transfer or by online solutions such as Paypal.
Field Force Tracker is a complete solution for all your needs.