Benefiting with Mobile Field Service Software

hvac disptach software
hvac dispatch software

Field Force Tracker is a Mobile enabled field service solution custom designed from ground up. It integrates mobile devices with a very complex and feature rich web service platform.

Mobile devices are revolutionizing the field service industry like never before. Mobility – from drivers with smartphones and dispatchers with tracking software to field workers with tablets – is everywhere in field operations, transportation and logistics. However, many companies are not able to take advantage of it.  But most companies use just a fraction of the data being gathered by these mobile devices.  Even fewer are spending time analyzing the data in ways that can improve their businesses, customer satisfaction and profitability.

Field Service employees are always on move. That’s where mobility management solutions like Field Force Tracker can help. When companies can better connect and manage their overarching mobile footprint, and do a better job of gathering and analyzing the data, they can make smarter decisions moving forward.

Here are some examples:

  • Pulling data from field repair teams using tablets to spot potential problems that could extend to an entire fleet, and proactively jumping on the fix before it becomes a costly and/or dangerous issue.
  • Providing integrated real-time mapping and weather alerts via a smartwatch so workers in the field can be routed around traffic or away from dangerous weather
  • Using mobile technologies that interact with toll-booth gantries to track actual miles logged in each state based on route driven, ensuring fleets remain in compliance with IFTA.
  • Remotely monitoring truck “health” and position with sensors that report back to a central office so drivers can be alerted if they face a maintenance issue or companies can be alerted of driving quality.

Many of our clients use Field Force tracker Mobile apps to accomplish variety of goals. Some sue just for passing work orders; others use it for generating field invoices and some others for tracking employees. Whatever your priority, Field Force Tracker can help you achieve your goals.

What to Look For In a Right Field Service Software

With technicians and managers being asked to do more each day, finding the best field service management software is critical. The wrong system can cause delays, mix up communications and cost revenue. Be sure to ask the following questions to get the best software for your team.

  1. Is the software compatible with your devices?

When you are investing in new field service software, you do not want to spend thousands on new hardware too. If your company uses Android phones and you purchase software designed exclusively for the iPhone, you lose the intended benefits. Today’s top field service management applications run on all mobile devices, whether they are based on iOS, Android, Windows or Mac. They support smartphones, tablets and laptops equally without forcing your business to change the way it operates. Having true mobile compatibility means that technicians and managers can access the tools they need no matter where they are or what devices they have in their hands.

  1. Can you connect the application to your other systems?

Field service apps should streamline your workflow instead of adding more problems. Before making a purchase decision, you must make sure that the new software plays nicely with your other applications. For example, if you accept credit card payments in the field, then your technicians must be able to connect to a payment gateway, such as or Virtual Merchant. If you use virtual phone numbers or customer SMS messaging, then you must be able to link with and others. The best field management service software integrates smoothly with popular, third party applications.

  1. Will the software grow when your team does?

Whether you work out of a small office or run a corporation spanning state lines, you need to count on your software’s scalability. You need service software that can handle any number of technicians, dispatchers, managers and customers. As your business expands, you should get invoicing, messaging, scheduling and administrative support to match. The most popular software can be customized to support plumbing contractors, locksmiths, HVAC repair companies, tow truck operators, carpet cleaners and more.

  1. Do you have the right options for client management?

Your business offers more than a one-size-fits-all solution and so should your field service software. Databases and screens must be flexible to keep track of warranties, service plans and other product offerings across different business locations and customer groups. You must also trust that invoices are accurate so customers can pay on time. The best software makes it easy for you to search through past work, find important customers and generate follow-up or maintenance work for additional sales.


  1. Is it easy to use?

Overall, your field service management software should blur the line between front-line interactions and back-office transactions. The user experience should be straightforward and easy to understand. Whether you are scheduling appointments, processing work orders, reporting on timesheets or identifying new sales opportunities, the process needs to be seamless. You should be able to find what you need when you need it.

A reliable field service management system can increase productivity, improve customer experiences and make your job easier. When you can count on a software product’s compatibility, scalability, functionality and ease of use, you know you have found a winner.

Field Force Tracker can meet all above service goals. Can your current software can?

Best Hvac Service Software

Field Force Tracker is the most comprehensive software for field service management.  It takes care of everything from customer management to the payment collection for a service company. By using this software, our clients can see major improvement in their productivity and the customer satisfaction.

hvac company challenges

HVAC companies face some unique challenges in field service.

For many, some or all of their work can be emergency calls which come in that day. These then need to be prioritized and worked into the day’s schedule as soon as possible, but this then means changes to the planned work and it is understandably difficult to make on the spot decisions about what should give.

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Many HVAC companies we speak to are still relying on paper-based processes to some extent in managing their workflow. This brings additional difficulty to making changes to schedules and allocating work to technicians as those in the office may not be working with all the information they need.

HVAC companies often also cover a lot of different areas of work. These are highly complex and require the right skills, parts or tools for the individual tasks. Workflows may have a number of dependencies which need to be stuck to, to complete the job. Many companies cover everything from design to install, renovation and service work, meaning each day is different to the last.

The use of paper-based processes can mean that up to date information is not available until a few days after the work has been completed, so delays occur in checking stock, re-ordering parts and getting out invoices.

A further issue that HVAC companies face is how fast the industry is evolving. Equipment is becoming smarter with HVAC units becoming much more complex and more connected and intelligent buildings are growing in their popularity. Customer expectations increase alongside this technological evolution and service delivery must keep pace with these advancements.

Here we look at how some of our Field Force Tracker HVAC customers overcame the issues they faced in their evolving businesses and see the benefits and results they achieved.

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Eliminating Paperwork

One of our customers had a paper-based work order system they’d been using for decades that was inefficient and expensive. Technicians had to visit the office every day, so travel costs were high and technicians had less time for jobs. Processing the paperwork meant significant administrative overhead and time as it took 7-10 days to invoice customers from the job completion.

Field Force Tracker solved the paper problem. All work orders are now generated and submitted electronically. As a result, the company:

  • Significantly reduced the number of office trips by technicians, cutting travel costs and increasing revenue-producing hours.
  • Eliminated the need for administrative overhead dedicated invoicing.
  • Decreased the time from service completion to invoice from days to minutes.

More Efficient Service Calls and Improved Cash Flow

Another HVAC company realized that cloud-based technology was the best way to make their business processes more efficient, and maximize profits. They have both residential and commercial customers, so wanted a solution that could handle both. Through using Field Force Tracker they now can connect with a specific technician or multiple technicians to assign jobs or alert them of a new/changed job, which they can see on the mobile app. The dispatch capabilities provide alerts, location tracking and GPS routing. It also works as a time sheet to ensure that work is being recorded. The price book in the app means that an estimate can be emailed, which the customer can sign off, saving time as well as keeping an accurate account of what has been done.

They estimate saving 40-60 hours a week.  “No time is wasted, the technicians get jobs faster, and we can track the job status so they can immediately go to the next job. Jobs are completed more quickly, so we can schedule more jobs per day with the saved time.”

The highest praise comes for the accounting features. “The easy sync with QuickBooks eliminates double entry of invoices in our accounting system and we can simply e-mail invoices to customers.”

Better Customer Service

One of our HVAC customer was looking for ways to reduce paperwork and increase the profitability of their business as well as deliver even better service to customers.  Prior to Field Force Tracker the dispatcher would receive calls and dispatch jobs to the technicians through manual text messages. Technicians would write out paper estimates on site and then return completed work orders to the office at the end of day, causing extra drive time and lag time.

Now, the dispatcher can quickly review each technician’s status using the scheduler and assign new jobs to the next available technician. On site, technicians can collect more information with the mobile app. For instance, the tech can record the model and serial number of each piece of equipment. “With this type of information stored in the customer’s record, we can easily determine what parts are needed to complete the job.”

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They also use Field Force Tracker reports to predict customer needs. “If I see that 20 of our customers have the same furnace model, it makes sense to start carrying replacement parts for that model.” That means faster service since they no longer have to order parts through their distributor when the need arises. Instead the trucks are fully-stocked with the proper parts.

Field Force Tracker leads the way in simplifying field service for HVAC companies. Our solutions let you automate your field work – from dispatching work to updating job info on site and instantly sending electronic invoices – all from our easy to use mobile app.

Best Cloud Based Filed Service Software

Mobile enabled, cloud-based field service software was designed to provide ease of use with incredible flexibility. Along with the ease – and speed – of our implementation and the ongoing support service that we provide we enable companies to take full advantage of today’s mobile field service.

Field Force Tracker’s power mobile apps for iPhone and Android are available to all new and existing Field Force Tracker customers. They can extend the feature set with the enhanced mobile forms capabilities, and better system integration.  Field Force Tracker, a mobile enabled web-based field service management software, streamlines technician scheduling, dispatch, customer management, vendor and employee management, work orders, equipment maintenance, inventory tracking, contracts, estimates, invoices, payments and accounting. It is considered one of the most feature rich software of its kind.

About Field Force Tracker

Force Tracker ( is a leading global provider of its award winning mobile workforce solutions for service-based businesses of all sizes delivered as software-as-a-service (SaaS). Its solutions enable businesses of all sizes (from 1 user to 10,000 users) to meet the challenges associated with managing and running complex service operations. It helps in improving the productivity of their mobile workforce.

With Field Force Tracker customers can create service schedule and route quickly, dispatch sooner, collect correct information at once in the field and invoice faster. The field service software makes it easy for users to eliminate waste, get more done in less time and be more profitable.

Field Force Tracker is a wholly owned unit of Rapidsoft Systems Inc. ( Rapidsoft Systems, Inc. has its main office in Princeton, NJ, USA, a US R&D Center in Mercerville NJ, and sales, support and development offices in Palo Alto, CA, USA, Singapore, Dubai (UAE), Bombay, and Noida (India).

Improving Customer Experience with Field Service Software

Field Force Tracker is the most comprehensive software for field service management.  It takes care of everything from customer management to the payment collection for a service company. By using this software, our clients can see major improvement in their productivity and the customer satisfaction.

If you are looking for a field service solution, it is important to recognize that the people actually using it after deployment will play a vital role in its success. How quickly any solution is adopted and starts adding value can come down to whether it is being used properly, if at all, by those in the field.

Customer Experience with Field Force Tracker

Working recently with one new Field Force Tracker customer was particularly interesting as they totally prioritized ease of use. We recently announced that Alani Plumbing, a leader in the plumbing and Hvac services, is deploying Field Force Tracker across its service operation of over 100 Plumbing and Hvac technicians to provide leading customer service, expand their current technology investment and support their growth.

Alani Plumbing prides itself on delivering superior service to Canada’s  plumbing and hvac services markets across its portfolio of offerings. It wanted to enhance that initiative by better enabling their planning, scheduling, dispatch and execution of field work with best-in-class technology to be more responsive to customer needs. Already using a proprietary as its ERP, it was important to them to utilize a knowledgeable  partner so they could integrate seamlessly and quickly, while mapping their new solution to their current business processes.

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“Field Force Tracker was chosen after a rigorous selection process,” said Mark Matis, Alani Plumbing’s CEO. “We knew we wanted to work with a strong partner who also had the advantages of a cloud-based solution but it was really the business user case that proved conclusive. The user experience needed to be strong to ensure adoption. During our evaluation, we were impressed with Field Force Tracker’s user-interface and its easy and intuitive workflows.”

This focus on the user experience is so important.

Helping Technicians Do Better Jobs

At Field Force Tracker, we have found working with many companies in different sectors that some of the same principals are true whatever the industry. The user experience is fundamental to the success – or not – of implementing software solutions.

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Managers and technicians, alike, report that the key to any technology implementation is ease of use. Taking time to learn new, complicated ways of working puts up barriers to adoption which workers may well look to by-pass and either go back to the way things used to be done or patch together their own and disparate ways of using the various solutions. Field technicians, by the nature of their work, tend to accept technology changes positively but how quickly they take to new solutions will again affect the ROI. A long drawn out adoption of any solution will have a serious effect on efficiency during the time taken and in the longer-term impact employee satisfaction with the technology.

Any field service solution should be easy and simple to use. Ease of use for technicians should also include how the device is used as well as the app itself, as one hand operation, for example, can be important. It may seem like a little thing, but allowing a technician to keep one hand free – and still operate the app – is a big advantage in the field.  One hand operation is especially important when the technician is downloading and viewing the schematics of equipment or paging through a repair manual.

Of equal importance is how intuitive a solution is. Are the workflows easy to understand? Can they be configured for different job types to make it easier for the user? Can you capture information with just one click? All these questions will have an impact on whether you will get users on board and really get the most out of what you have invested in.

Once data is captured, being able to send and share it easily means that you have a more connected workforce who can not only document what they are doing more effectively but are then sharing that accurate data with the back office. This gives office staff the most up to date and fullest picture of what has been completed in the field.

By making it easy to use, the best solution can ensure not only quick adoption but actually make the lives of the users easier, their processes more streamlined and importantly, help them get more done.

So, if you want to make sure you are investing in the right solution, involve your users. Successful solutions are those that are easily adopted because they’re so easy to use. And its only users that can decide that.

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Mobile enabled, cloud-based field service software was designed to provide ease of use with incredible flexibility. Along with the ease – and speed – of our implementation and the ongoing support service that we provide we enable companies to take full advantage of today’s mobile field service.

Field Force Tracker’s power mobile apps for iPhone and Android are available to all new and existing Field Force Tracker customers. They can extend the feature set with the enhanced mobile forms capabilities, and better system integration.  Field Force Tracker, a mobile enabled web-based field service management software, streamlines technician scheduling, dispatch, customer management, vendor and employee management, work orders, equipment maintenance, inventory tracking, contracts, estimates, invoices, payments and accounting. It is considered one of the most feature rich software of its kind.

About Field Force Tracker

Force Tracker ( is a leading global provider of its award winning mobile workforce solutions for service-based businesses of all sizes delivered as software-as-a-service (SaaS). Its solutions enable businesses of all sizes (from 1 user to 10,000 users) to meet the challenges associated with managing and running complex service operations. It helps in improving the productivity of their mobile workforce.

With Field Force Tracker customers can create service schedule and route quickly, dispatch sooner, collect correct information at once in the field and invoice faster. The field service software makes it easy for users to eliminate waste, get more done in less time and be more profitable.

Field Force Tracker is a wholly owned unit of Rapidsoft Systems Inc. ( Rapidsoft Systems, Inc. has its main office in Princeton, NJ, USA, a US R&D Center in Mercerville NJ, and sales, support and development offices in Palo Alto, CA, USA, Singapore, Dubai (UAE), Bombay, and Noida (India).