Mobile Field Service Apps for Better Service Delivery

Forget pen and paper, now field technicians have smart phones with high speed 3G/4G connections. It is possible to complete your reports in the field. However, it is important to select your field service software better, because not all mobile applications are as powerful as Field Force Tracker’s mobile app.

Field Force Tracker mobile app is one of the best mobile app of its kind. It provides advanced mobility management features not found in other applications.

We all know how frustrating it is to lose connectivity on a wireless phone call – especially if you’re in a critical conversation or facilitating a conference call. For field personnel using field service apps that are dependent on steady streams of data to and from their wireless devices to do their job properly, even a brief loss of the linkage can be both frustrating and a drain on productivity. Therefore, it is important to have better service provider to deliver your services and an application that has full functionality as needed.

The best mobile app for field service

Field Force Tracker – the Best Mobile Application for the Field Service

Without up-to-date application, a field technician might quote the wrong price for service because the latest digital price book is not at hand. A construction or maintenance crew lead might not have access to critical customer instructions because their browser-based application won’t load. I recently had a visit from a cable engineer who couldn’t pull up his field service app to order a part because he couldn’t get the necessary data from his app server. He said he’d have to head back to the office when he left.  This forced him to make one extra visit.

Predicting where and when you’re most likely to get cut off is difficult. Wireless providers have maps showing coverage areas (there are even national maps spanning multiple carriers), but of course networks expand (and maybe in some cases contract) all the time. Reliability in a given area varies day to day, even minute to minute. That is particularly true if your business takes workers to locations where the network is stressed by a sudden surge of demand (think of the burgeoning oil and gas industry in some parts of the U.S., or of a disaster area where landlines have been massively disrupted).

Even where the wireless signal remains steady and strong, staying connected every minute may simply be impractical. You don’t want to discourage members of your field team from going behind a hill or into a basement to perform needed tasks for fear that their data connection will break down.

Best Mobile app for field service

A field team’s software must be designed to adjust to changing user needs– assuring that data both in the field and back at headquarters will remain available when needed. This helps assure that team members won’t resort to old-fashioned pen and paper during a customer visit, necessitating a time-consuming, productivity-draining re-input of the information.

Mobile field service apps like Field Force Tracker are designed from the start to operate with full functionality. Whether users are in the office or in the field, field personnel find their latest information is available to their mobile applications on the device. Data stored on the wireless device in the field can be immediately synced with what is stored back at headquarters. Any new updates from the office are also synced back. Plus, the original time stamps are retained (for instance on a photograph taken of the job site).

Best Field Service Software

About Field Force Tracker

Field Force Tracker ( is a leading global provider of its award winning mobile workforce solutions for service-based businesses of all sizes delivered as software-as-a-service (SaaS). Our solutions enable businesses of all sizes (from 1 user to 10,000 users) to meet the challenges associated with managing and running complex service operations. It helps in improving the productivity of their mobile workforce.

With Field Force Tracker, customers can create service schedule and route quickly, dispatch sooner, collect correct information at once in the field and invoice faster. The field service software makes it easy for users to eliminate waste, get more done in less time and be more profitable.

Field Force Tracker is a wholly owned unit of Rapidsoft Systems Inc. ( Rapidsoft Systems, Inc. has its main office in Princeton, NJ, USA, a US R&D Center in Mercerville NJ, and sales, support and development offices in Palo Alto, CA, USA, Singapore, Dubai (UAE), Bombay, and Noida (India).