Mobile Apps Are Necessary to the Success of Modern Field Service Business

Mobility is becoming very important for the field service business. Field service business can be much-transformed using mobile phone. Field Service Mobile applications like Field Force Tracker have changed the entire industry by providing powerful features.

Field service applications like Field Force Tracker have disrupted many industries by creating new opportunities to interact with customers, and it is important for service brands to realize and capitalize on the engagement opportunities that exist.

Customers expect businesses to adapt to changing always-connected environment. These are customers that sit in cafés and eateries and want to be able to schedule their IPTV installation, their annual furnace checkup and order a new jacket or sweater that caught their eye when out with friends last night, all at the same time and all from their tablet or smart phone.

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To fulfill these expectations, Field Service businesses have to change the way they are communicating with these customers. The benefit to the customer will be a more personalized approach that will make their lives easier, resulting in increased interaction for the brand. By using simple methods, thinking as a customer and considering mobile as a context and not as a channel, service businesses can create a strong and efficient bond with their users, and improve customer relationships through mobility.

Desired Feature of A Good Field Service Solution

Good features of Field Service solutions are:

Work Dispatch Software

About Field Force Tracker

Field Force Tracker is a cloud based, very comprehensive field service management software for all business types. It can take care of work-orders, customer management, scheduling, customer history, product history, invoicing, payments, inventory management, Timesheet, tracking, parts and assets electronic estimates, and service contracts etc. It is a very feature rich system with many unique and advanced features for a business like yours. Field Force Tracker has a full very powerful feature to manage your employees. Our solution has GPS integrated that will allow you to monitor technicians when they are in the field. Each technician’s status will be updated automatically and the technician can update it manually too. This will allow you to see them live on your map. We can also integrate QuickBooks with the Field Force Tracker software. The solution is supported with mobile apps that work on iPhone, Android and on all tablets.

Using Mobile Apps for Field Service Management

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