Field Employees are the most important assets of any service company. Good technicians are hard to find and keeping them happy on the job is the responsibility of the management. This article describes how cloud based Field Service CRM like Field Force Tracker can help you in increasing job satisfaction and at the same time, improve your company’s profitability. A good service software can help everyone in the company to better manage the effectiveness of your service delivery. Using extensive capabilities of Field Force Tracker’s software, you can improve the effectiveness for field services in your organization. Deploying a good cloud based field service CRM software with mobile apps can improve your ability to manage your business. This facilitates service managers to better management of your service resources in the most cost effective way.
Service companies are trying to move to electronic model of providing services. Paper based operation is too slow to address customer concerns and cannot provide suitable data analysis. Field Force Tracker is the most comprehensive software for field service management. It takes care of everything from customer management to the payment collection for a service company. By using this software, our clients can see major improvement in their productivity and the customer satisfaction. Service managers are constantly working to improve the quality and effectiveness of their service delivery with Field Force Tracker.
Field Employees are the Most Important Assets
Many good employers understand that a company’s most important customers are its employees. As much as a business has an obligation to provide goods and services to clients, it should be committed first to fulfilling promises to its staff. This is even more critical for those with a field service workforce that relies on skilled labor. While customers are the lifeline for any business, a stable, dependable team is especially important to meet customer expectations throughout the service chain.
The conviction of treating employees better than customers is more imperative today than ever before. The Digital Revolution is upon us. Its scale, scope and complexity are expected to be unlike anything humankind has previously experienced. In the near future we’ll see mobile devices with unprecedented processing power, storage capacity and access to knowledge. We’ll witness major advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, 3D printing, nanotechnology, quantum computing and other emerging technologies.
It’s all very impressive and exciting. It’s also very scary for those who see the exponential pace it is evolving. The disruptive technology of this revolution is already impacting systems and processes in every industry. However, its greatest impact may well be on the labor force.
Preparing the Labor Force for the Digital Age
There are ways to prepare your field service workforce for the oncoming revolution. Two ways an employer can help ensure the stability and at the same time show employees they are of value to the company include providing education and ensuring core protections.
Education and Job Training. Because technology is moving far beyond the ability to keep up with the basic education employees have, workers should be retooled and retrained for their jobs annually. This is of particular importance in fields like IT, advanced manufacturing, healthcare and energy, where some of the emerging technologies are making the biggest impacts. Providing affordable education and training is not only the obligation of governments, but also the responsibility of employers. Business leaders can invest in their workers by making upskilling part of their business models.
Basic Protection for Workers. Companies have an obligation to strengthen core protections—wages, payment of overtime and child care—by investing in their people. Over the last few decades, changes in corporate culture has led to 91 percent of profits going to the owners and shareholders, leaving only 9 percent for research, development, cash reserves, raises and employee training. This has added to the problem of stagnant wages and reduced productivity. Shifting more of those profits to employees will benefit all in the end by helping to improve employee confidence in their employers and reduce employee churn.
Treating Employees Well
Of course, while employers must rethink their business models in light of the changes to come, continuing to show employees that they are valued now will help ease any fears they may have about what is to come next. It is the no-cost, simple actions that can make a difference in your relationship with employees.
Be real and transparent. Keep your employees in the loop as to any upcoming changes or challenges facing your organization. Allow them to contribute ideas and be a part of any solution. Employee morale reaches its lowest point when secrecy and distrust reign.
Offer encouragement. The most cost-effective way to inspire loyalty and increase productivity is to acknowledge performances and offer encouragement. Employees are human, not machines. A kind word here and there can mean more than you know.
Make time for employees. Be sure to make time for your employees, whether it involves a work-related or personal issue. By taking an interest in their personal lives and showing you care, you help to create a trusted environment that will enable to feel they are a valued in the company.
Refocusing on Corporate Culture
Change has always brought with it new both challenges and perils, and the Digital Revolution is certainly bringing with it changes that will impact everyone. In previous eras of technological change, past generations have been able to bend the shifts brought on by new technology to the benefit of all of society. That might be more difficult with this revolution due to the speed of its growth. Refocusing on corporate culture and core obligations now will show your workers you value them and are committed to them.
Why Field Force Tracker
Mobile enabled, cloud-based field service software was designed to provide ease of use with incredible flexibility. Along with the ease – and speed – of our implementation and the ongoing support service that we provide we enable companies to take full advantage of today’s mobile field service.
Field Force Tracker’s power mobile apps for iPhone and Android are available to all new and existing Field Force Tracker customers. They can extend the feature set with the enhanced mobile forms capabilities, and better system integration. Field Force Tracker, a mobile enabled web-based field service management software, streamlines technician scheduling, dispatch, customer management, vendor and employee management, work orders, equipment maintenance, inventory tracking, contracts, estimates, invoices, payments and accounting. It is considered one of the most feature rich software of its kind.
About Field Force Tracker
Force Tracker ( is a leading global provider of its award winning mobile workforce solutions for service-based businesses of all sizes delivered as software-as-a-service (SaaS). Its solutions enable businesses of all sizes (from 1 user to 10,000 users) to meet the challenges associated with managing and running complex service operations. It helps in improving the productivity of their mobile workforce.
With Field Force Tracker customers can create service schedule and route quickly, dispatch sooner, collect correct information at once in the field and invoice faster. The field service software makes it easy for users to eliminate waste, get more done in less time and be more profitable.
Field Force Tracker is a wholly owned unit of Rapidsoft Systems Inc. ( Rapidsoft Systems, Inc. has its main office in Princeton, NJ, USA, a US R&D Center in Mercerville NJ, and sales, support and development offices in Palo Alto, CA, USA, Singapore, Dubai (UAE), Bombay, and Noida (India).